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Level 2 simpsons hit and run gags. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any publicdisplay is strictly prohibited. It is owned and compiled byYuGiOhFm2002 & Angel. It may not be altered, copied, published, sold orreproduced in any way shape or form without advance permission from theauthor. If you steal any part of this Guide/FAQ,you will be punished to the full extent of the law. Plagiarism is illegal,and I really detest it.
Jun 29, 2017 I made a mod that fixes the unused objectives in the mission 'Clueless' Download: Now. Simpsons hit and run. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for The Simpsons: Hit & Run (GameCube, 2003) at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! Unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging (where packaging is applicable). This game i s packed full of content and is faithful to the source material. Odd Unused Music Hey, thought I'd start a thread. I know of all of the unused content that's been discovered in The Simpsons: Hit & Run, as well as said content's purposes.
- The Simpsons: Hit & Run has a large amount:
- A ton of unused graphics for various purposes.
- Unused parts of certain maps, most notably in Level 7, where a chunk of the map that existed in Levels 1 and 4 was cut due to time constraints on the art team. This area included inside the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant, the Stonecutters' Tunnel, and an area where Mansions are located. The remains of it (which includes a small portion of the map, some unused sound effects for the Power Plant, and two music tracks can still be reached via cheat codes, glitches, or modifications.
- The Grand Theft Auto series has several:
- An infamous example is the 'Hot Coffee' (by which we mean sex) minigame from Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Apparently, some of the resources used in the Hot Coffee minigame actually were used in other parts of the game, which is why the data is on the final version of the game disc. It's also (most likely) thanks to Hot Coffee that the ESRB now asks game developers to see any dummied data when rating games.
- San Andreas is also missing the interior for the San Fierro Police Department (which is why you respawn on a nondescript street corner near the building and you can't enter it, unlike the other ones,) presumably because entering it crashed the game or they didn't have time to clean up the programming for release, and hospital interiors as well. There is also text data for a skateboard hidden in the game's main files as well (which is why Los Santos has a skatepark.) The skateboard was scrapped for the presumably much easier to program and animate bicycles.
- Don't forget the normally-inaccessible Andromeda plane, tons of building interiors, and a substantial chunk of Liberty City.
- The area of Liberty City where the opening of GTA 3 takes place is not seen anywhere in-game. Unless you can fly the Dodo, that is.
- The airport ATC tower in Vice City features in game as a low LOD model, which can only be seen from the first island. It disappears upon entry to the second island, when its buildings are fully loaded and properly rendered. The 'ghost tower' is also present in Vice City Stories.
- GTA IV has several vehicles that are inaccessible by normal means, which later appeared in the DLC episodes.
- Text files in Grand Theft Auto V reveal that over half of the game's radio stations originally had much more content; in extreme cases, over half of the original playlist was cut in the final release. In addition, there are leftover files that suggest that Vinewood Boulevard Radio, an alternative rock station, was originally intended to be a 90's rock station called P.M.R, and that its conversion to VBR was a last-minute change (its icon for the station-select wheel is even still in the game's files!). Some of the cut songs were brought back in the enhanced versions for PlayStation 4, Xbox One & PC.
- Bully, another Rockstar Games game, has a few as well:
- Hattrick Manor. It's a house with a partially finished interior that can be entered with a well-timed bike jump. There's a mission where you have to steal a female student's diary back from Mr. Hattrick and it's believed that the original concept for the mission involved breaking into his house rather than the teacher's lounge at the school.
- Several characters were dummied out. There were a pair of adults named Nate and Flynn, it's believed that they were for the cancelled Xbox version of Bully and would have been involved in uploading songs to the game.
- A room that appears in the opening trailer doesn't actually appear in the game.
- Bob, the wide-shouldered white kid in the mission cutscene for The Gym Is Burning, appears nowhere else in the game. The character model in his wrestling outfit can be hex-edited into the game, but a regular clothes model seen in old screenshots was removed from the code entirely.
- There are a few cutscenes in trailers that were cut from the final version of the game, mostly likely to keep the T rating. One had Gary Smith pantomiming doggy-style sex, another was a closeup of Mandy's legs while she was wearing a towel.
- Although skateboard and bike tricks weren't included in the final version of the game, there's a skate park that serves no purpose except for one mission, and lines of dialogue for watching someone screw up a trick in the data files.
- The Boys' Dorm was originally intended to be a two-story building. If you stand far enough away from the dorm and zoom in with your camera, you can see the old two-story model.
- Most of the new content for Scholarship Edition was dummied out of the original game, then readded.
- The shop teacher Neil does not appear outside of his class, but strangely has dialogue recorded for roaming around like the other teachers meaning that he was removed. This might be because his dialogue refers to people he dislikes as 'fascists'.
- Black & White has an Easter Egg where you move the mouse in a certain way and phoneboxes appear. Unfortunately, if you try to actually do anything with the Easter Egg, you get a message saying 'sorry, the boss removed this cheat'.
- In The Godfather the map displays Barbers and Tailors as important locations but they are in fact just normal shops. They were meant to be where you would buy new clothes and change your hair but this idea got scrapped and instead you buy clothes and change your look outside the main game, when you select the file you wish to play.
- S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl has a huge amount of cut content, of which this is only some.
- These included an entire area called 'Dark Valley Escape' South of Dark Valley (explaining the odd transition from Dark Valley to Cordon, where you walk through a gate and come out of a tunnel), a second mobile lab associated with the Americans and guarded by Freedom (see next point for a particularly obvious relic of this system), the swamp level that ended up in Clear Sky control bindings for cars and a helicopter, and a number of barely dummied-out weapons, equipment items (including useless anomaly detectors), and even several enemies. Early versions of the game also had mounted guns (the leaked Beta included a minigun).
- Many players were puzzled by a glitch in one of the Yantar lab's missions, where Kruglov would wake after a blowout and become hostile to the player. This is because the Yantar lab is still Duty-affiliated, and the player's reputation can cause Kruglov to think they're an enemy.
- The infamous 'Chernobyl Dog' in Red Forest probably wasn't supposed to be in the game at all, given that it only appears once and the game crashes if you kill it. It's a strange Pseudodog with a Controller's screen-blurring attack and the ability to spawn clones of itself that attack normally but vanish if shot even once.
- Red Forest also includes a strange door, likely to a missing area; a combination lock leads to a small room with another door and nothing much inside.
- Several NPCs carry useless items; it's possible to get hold of a guitar, a harmonica and a pair of goggles called 'hand_radio.'
- The original game's artifact descriptions name one called 'shell' that never actually appears. Descriptions of cut anomalies called 'lift' and 'time' are present in the game files; respectively supposed to create the artifacts Pellicle and Mama's Beads.
- Several weapons were also cut from the game, the most notable ones are the TOZ-34 and the Browning Hi-Power, which can still be found in the game code, be brought in via game mods, and are even fully-functional additions to Clear Sky and Call of Pripyat. For reasons unknown, the TOZ-34 and Hi-Power boast abnormally higher damage than all other pistols, shotguns, or assault rifles, making them the best weapons to use if you're willing to mod your game. Unfortunately, other weapons like the MAC-10, P90, and several others don't have fully completed code.
- In the Spider-Man 2 game, jump from boat to boat until you get to one that's farthest southeast from Manhattan. Now take a fully-charged leap as far as possible into the sea further southeast. Right before you hit the water and get teleported back to shore, you'll see the words 'Governors Island' show up as if you were entering a new area, but there's nothing but water there. This indicates that Governors Island was going to be visitable but it was cut.
- Saints Row 2 has leftover traces of the radio stations from Saints Row that were replaced.
- Saints Row: The Third had several plot threads, alternate endings and story ideas scrapped during development, which explains why the game feels a bit rushed story-wise. You can read the details here.
- Minecraft:
- The first ever mob to be added to the game was the Human. Looking identical to Steve?, it would run around endlessly in circles. It initially spawned randomly in Pre-classic, then would only spawn on command by pressing G in Classic; this was disabled in 0.24 Survival Test, but it could still be spawned using third-party tools. It was split into two IDs in Infdev: 'Mob', which kept the old AI (and was formerly used in Indev by four mobs, Beast Boy, Rana, Steve and Black Steve, which briefly replaced the old Human mob), and 'Monster', which would pursue the player and attack them like a zombie. The existence of the mob, especially the 'Monster' variant, fueled the 'Herobrine' rumors, which was helped along with changelogs which would include 'Removed Herobrine' both as a running gag and to indicate the removal of remains of the Human mob.
- Sponges were introduced in Classic as a temporary fix to stop flooding until finite water was implemented. When that was done in Infdev, they became non-functional (though available in Creative from Beta 1.8 onwards) until their functionality was restored in 1.8. and they became available in Survival via ocean monuments.
- Chain armor was introduced along with the other types in Indev, but they were unavailable legitimately in Survival until the introduction of villager trading in 1.3. They could be crafted if the player somehow managed to get fire in their inventory, but this is no longer possible as of 1.8.
- The Giant mob introduced in Indev, basically a giant zombie with no AI (though it had the same AI as regular zombies briefly during 1.14 development) which can only be spawned using commands since no biomes include it in their spawn lists and it requires a light level above 11 AND below 8, which is obviously impossible.
- Textures for a quiver have resided in the game files since Indev. This item would presumably have allowed the player to carry more arrows without cluttering the inventory as much. During 1.9 development, Jeb tweeted a screenshot which featured the quiver, but he eventually decided having arrows in the off-hand 'felt more natural' and the textures were removed for good in the final 1.9 release.
- The locked chests of April Fools 2011 (Beta 1.4) were removed from normal gameplay on April 5, 2011 (Beta 1.4_01), but they remained in the code until 1.7.2 in 2013 under the longest ID in Minecraft history: 'chest_locked_aprilfools_super_old_legacy_we_should_not_even_have_this'. During that time, the original chest texture was removed and their place taken by those for blocks of emerald and redstone, so the locked chests as of 13w01a (1.5) had an emerald top and bottom, redstone sides and a purple placeholder front. When the textures were moved to separate files in 1.5, a placeholder texture had to be introduced for the locked chest to use in order to avoid a game crash due to missing textures.
- The status effects were first introduced in Beta 1.8, but many went unused for years and remained buried in the game code until some use was found for them. Those which are still unused are Bad Luck (which decreases the chances of good loot) and Health Boost (which gives extra health points like Absorption, except they can be healed back as long as the effect lasts; it was briefly obtainable from eating a Golden Apple in 1.6.1, but was quickly changed to Absorption).
- At one point, Notch planned for the villages to be populated by (non-Zombie) Pigmen, but he eventually decided on introducing the Villager mob in Beta 1.9. Textures for the Pigmen remained in the game files until 1.6.2.
- When horses were introduced in 1.6.1, a Zombie variant (which acts like a normal horse, except it drops rotten flesh instead of leather upon death) was included, but so far it's only spawnable using commands and their spawn egg.
- The Mountain Edge and Deep Warm Ocean biomes no longer spawn naturally since 1.7.2 and 1.13 respectively, but they can still be spawned as Buffet worlds.
- When rabbits were introduced in 1.8, there was a 1/1000 chance they could spawn as a Killer Rabbit, an hostile variant which could deal 4 hearts of damage to the player in Normal difficulty. The spawn chance was quickly decreased to 1/2500, then they were made unspawnable outside of commands because Jeb thought that it was 'a tired joke [..] referenced in so many games' and they were 'basically a random death event'.
- The Illusionner, an Illager which attacks the player using spells and a bow and can summon duplicates, was added in 1.12 (17w16a) but can only spawn using commands.
- Unused audio resides in the game files, including four loops possibly intended to play in specific places (bird chirps, cave chimes, ocean, waterfall), the classic 'OOGH' hurt sound, an 'affectionate scream' for the Ghast, a breathing sound, a 'successful hit' sound similar to the 'collect XP' ding, two wolf howls and four Silverfish walking sounds.
- Unused textures also reside in the game files, including angry villager particles, purple arrows (skeletons would shoot them in Survival Test), ruby (the early version of emerald), speech bubbles for villagers (part of an early experiment in implementing trading before the interface was added) and hoods for Vindicators, Evokers and Witches.
- A handful of excised sprites exist in the files for Yume Nikki. They include such things as Madotsuki's window but with cracked glass, another window with the reflection of the city on it, and an older model for the 'Triangle Kerchief' effect. There are also some huge inaccessible islands in the east part of the Famicom World.
- Terraria has a number of items and weapons that are dummied out for various reasons.
- From the early development days is a Zapper gun that was meant for the developers to defend themselves effortlessly while testing things.
- In all versions up to 1.2, the S.D.M.G machine gun was not accessible without cheating it into your inventory, as was the Gravity Globe, which functions like an infinite Gravity Potion.
- Several items in the post 1.2 era were occasionally bugged and unable to drop or spawn until subsequent quick-fix patches corrected this.
- A couple of weapons were never implemented due to worries about copyright, such as a scythe modelled after a weapon in Soul Eater and an ice sword which was a more blatant copy of Frostmourne from the Warcraft franchise.
- The Developers have unique Equipment that is meant to be exclusive to them and will not drop in normal gameplay. They caused cheaters no end of debuff-related problems if you hack them into your inventory and equip them.
- As of version 1.3, the S.D.M.G, Gravity Globe, and developer items are all available. The first two are drops from the new Final BossMoon Lord, and the developer items can be obtained from any Hardmode boss's Treasure Bag that drops when beaten in an Expert mode world. As such the developer items no longer give debuffs when worn, instead serving as vanity costumes, with most developers also having a unique set of wings (Red's Wings no longer have infinite flight time) and a couple having Yoyos as well.
- Watch_Dogs got a fair bit of griping on release for having graphical effects in the E3 demo that turned out to not be in the actual game. Shortly afterward, it turned out that those effects were still there (at least, on the PC version), they'd just been turned off for no obvious reason, since they didn't cause any insurmountable performance issues; rumour has it that they were removed at the insistence of Sony and/or Microsoft so that the PC version wouldn't make the console ports look bad by comparison. One of the most common mods for the game is one that turns them back on.
- Cube World had an EXP system during alpha, which allowed players and their pets to level up and get stronger. The final release did away with the EXP system due to the core system being changed to a different style of play, but the old system is still within the game files and can be accessed through a cheat program.
Simpsons Hit And Run Unused Content
.So, what's SHaR:Restoration? It's a very simple mod, that tries to bring as many unused content from the beta/E3 versions back to the game.
Currently, this mod has some tweaked missions and etcetera.
Simpsons Hit And Run Unused Content Download
Changed content in Beta version:
(You can find changelogs for future versions in the thread comments)
In future versions I will change the rest of the graphics and the other missions with the help of leftover CustomText and original ('Outline Revised') script.
v. Zeta:!dOZwRarC!gOvB8mdQQfZN4wjsy5Gj_2zJedHISXvzy43B3t-RS7g
Have fun there!